About Me


My name is Melissa Truax, creator of this Blog: Healthy Within Reach.  I am a wife, have sold two successful companies, a Certified Spinning Instructor and now a Blogger.

The reason I decided to create Healthy Within Reach is because I am passionate about healthy eating, exercise and finding ways to work it all in with my very busy lifestyle.

This blog speaks to recipes I have created on my own… all of course with the help of educating myself on line by reviewing “favorite” or “popular” recipes and making them my own ….making them healthy, satisfying and guilt free.  You will find most of what I cook is not only healthy, but quick and most of the time elegant.

At times you will see me post healthy recipes I have cooked myself that are from well known cooks. I will also share articles I have found to be either inspiring or informative that I think most people will find interesting.  I love my pots, pans, spices and kitchen gadgets and will share with you my favorites.

You will also find me to post some interesting quick workouts you can do at home or even when you are traveling on business and pleasure.

Speaking of travel…my husband and I are all about high adventure, active vacations. I will share details of where we go, what we did and the quick healthy meals I cook for the two of us.

I will also be sharing articles about mindfulness. This is something I work at daily and I find to be an incredibly healthy habit that is sure to help erase the stresses of the day or at l

east to help you put things into better perspective so you can be the best you can be to yourself and to others.

You may also hear me reference music from time to time. I find music to be a great healer of the soul especially when we are being tested by the pressures of the day.  Since I am a Spinning Instructor, I am often adding new, upbeat songs that hopefully serve as positive reinforcement. My hope is when my students leave class they feel uplifted with a huge sense of accomplishment.

So I am sure you are wondering….why would I take the time to create this blog? I really enjoy helping people.  Prior to selling my recruiting company after 13 years, I worked hard to find jobs for professionals which resulted in career advancement and positive lifestyle changes.

As a Spinning instructor, I motivate students in my Spinning classes to help them reach their fullest fitness potential. Sometimes in Spinning class, I will share some of my recipes. Some students have actually shared with me they made the recipe I shared with them and that their loved ones really enjoyed the dish.

We are all here on this earth for a purpose and I have always been taught it is important to set goals for yourself and even better when your goals have the good intentions of helping others: mind, body and spirit.